Antique Indigo Fabric - 5'

Antique Indigo Fabric - 5'

Hand Woven Nigerian Asoke Fabric

Hand Woven Nigerian Asoke Fabric

Indigo Hand Spun Fabric

was $39.87 Special Price $31.73
Indigo Hand Spun Fabric - African Fabrics

Indigo fabric is one of the most popular fabrics from Africa Symbolic of wealth and prosperity, this fabric is admired by almost every ethnic group on the continent.

Even the Tuareg have been called the "purple nomads" because of their extensive use of this cloth The cotton fabric is first hand-woven on looms and then dyed using leaves from the indigo plant that have been beaten into a pulp, rolled into balls, and then left to dry in the sun for two to three days After this, they are mixed in an ash and water solution that acts as a fixative for the indigo dye The fabric is dyed using the tie-dye or plain-print method, and the excess dye is removed by hammering the fabric with rubber mallets.

Indigo dye often rubs off onto the skin, so do not be surprised if this happens when you handle the fabric.

**Each piece is one of a kind and the patterns vary from piece to piece Exact designs cannot be specified approx 60" x 42" Made in Mali M-F160

Mudcloth & Hand-Made Fabrics Flier'


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